⭐️New App and Website launched⭐️
Please download
We are delighted to announce we have now launched our new app and website with ClubZap. A huge thank to everyone who put in a huge effort to get this up and running especially Karina Kelly,Christina Harron, Eoin Mc Garrigle, Ger Maguire, Lorcan Mc Grory, Anne Gallagher, Jack Gallagher, Noel Molloy, Denise Mc Cafferty, Bridin Mc Garrigle, Denise Mc Mahon and finally Mark and Declan from ClubZap.
⭐️Currently on the App you can pay membership for 2022 with various different options from playing adult to non playing adult with kids, you can also view all club notes.
⭐️work will be continuing on website with more history and pictures to be added
⭐️please feel free to share and download the app
#ClubZap #newapp #newwebsite