⭐️Our Ireland lights up walk is back this Wednesday evening @7:15pm, with only 2 weeks left, let’s get everyone out and and make it an enjoyable 2 weeks , Everyone welcome, meeting 7.15 at Páirc Naomh Bríd.⭐️
**Ireland Lights Up & Every Step Challenge 2024**
Participation is Free of Charge and suitable for all ages and abilities.
In addition you can participate in the My Life Every Step Counts Challenge complete the following steps:
Step 1. Download the Mylife App from AppStore or Google Play Store
Step 2. Join the Challenge
Tap Social >Challenges>Pending
Tap Ulster GAA>Every Step Counts Challenge > CLG Naomh Bríd
All clubs who achieve the 4,000km target will be entered into a draw.
We look forward to seeing you all